Monday, 1 March 2021

March 2021 Daily Current Affairs historical information

March 2021 Daily Current Affairs historical information 

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Computer Notes Quiz Questions Answer COPA Trade syllabus

1. Home screen is calle


2 the ........ is an element of an operating system located at the both of the screen bottom of the scree

Task B

3 taskbar allows you to see the programs that ar

Currently Op

4 starting a computer is call


 5 arrange the following in a sequence for connecting the phone to the compute

6 the ........ serves as an interface between the computer and the user helping the user give commands to the compu

Operating Syst

7 .......... is the heart of the computer syste


8. operating system have a special language call

Binery Co

9. ............... is more stable than windows it can run for 10 year without a single need to rebo


10. ............... is a an operating system created by appl


11 m a c comes preloaded on all ne

Macintosh computers (known as Macs

12. modern operating system do not allow multitasking this is true or fal


13 modern operating system allow many processes to get active at the same ti


14. The operating system controls the behind the scene activities of the comput


15 the operating system interferes with the functioning of the progr


16. when you log into window 8, the first screen you see is new start screen also known as .............


17. If you you cannot find a particular file, right click the mouse in the space at the ............... of the scree


18. Microsoft edge deputed window 10 replacing ............... as the default web browse

internet explor

19. Paint can enable painting by ............... and using different types of artistic brushes or pens that can give for example a watercolor or oil effec

Clicking the left Cli

20. Window 8 has start me


21. window 10 operating system is the latest on


22. Microsoft release windows 10 as a follow up window


23. Use the the spray paint function in MS paint to add ............... leading to incredible depth in pictures using just a few colour

Spray Textu

24. MS paint is found in the window start menu outside the accessories fold


25. The simplest way to find the things we need is to ............... and ............... them we

Save, Organi

26. A DVD stores only ............. where as a CD can store music videos and picture


27. to place the disc in the tray make sure the Chinese side faces .............

28. Once you connect the ............... to the computer you can open the files inside U

29. Once you have entered a CD or DVD if you do not see any buttons appear search for windows media player of the the ............... to open your fi

VLC Media Play

30. Match the following Computer 🖥️ full fo

CD compact di

 DVD digital versatile dis

USB universal serial bu

CPU central processing uni

PC personal comput

31. In the CPU of the computer press start button on the disc dri


32 if it is a laptop press the button on the side of the laptop and the tray opens up press the CD or DVD outside the tr


33 close the tray gently by pressing the enter k


34 you will a folder named dvd-rw drive me once y


35. Primary storage devices a

 Ram RO

36 secondary storage devices a

 hard dis

37 Ram allows the computer to read data quickly to r


38 what is the full form of RA

random access memor

39 what is the abbreviation of R

 read only memor

40 ROM is also a form of data storage that can the easily altered or progra


41. hard disk speed is the speed at which content can be read and written on a hard dis


42 arrange the following in a sequence to create a new folder or file in windo

Right click on a blank space doing so open a drop down me

 select n

43 match the followin

MS word - graphical word processing progr

 MS PowerPoint - presentation software develope

MS Excel - spreadsheet progr

Notepad - basic text editing progr

 zipped compressed file - takes upless storage space and can be transferred to other computer more quickly than uncompressed fi

44. arrange the following in a sentence to create a document on MS word and save 

45 match the following ful

 Ctrl+N - create a new documen

Ctrl+O - open an existing documen

Ctrl+S - save a documen

F12 - open the save as dialogue b

46 you must not enter a name for the file if you are saving a file for the first ti


47 press ctrl + s on the keypad after finishing your typing you have to press both the buttons togeth


48. By default office will save the copy in the same location as the origin


49. The  .................  in your document indicates where you can enter text on the pag

blinking vertical lin

50. To add text place the ................. where you want to add the tex


51.  .................  that reminds the position of the text within a section of relative to the top and bottom margins and is often used to create a cover pag

Vertical alignme

52. The  .................  include command buttons such as save open copy and paste where as the  .................  toolbar includes bold italic underline numbering and bulle

Standard toolbar.  formatting toolba

53 match the following about Resu

A resume is a summary of your education and work histor

resume is important as it is is the first impression you give to a potential employe

resume should reflect skills and experiences accurately and precisely in an attractive manne

54 . when a new blank document opens the insertion point or cursor will appear in the the  ................. corner of the p

top lef

55 to find MS word in your compute

click the start butt

56 to save an MS word file press  .................  on the keyboard after finishing your typin


57 to save a file on the desktop you need to click on the file and select save image then click o



बांगर - ये पुरानी जलोढ़ मिट्टी वाले भू-भाग है। इस प्रकार की जलोढ़ के लगतार एकत्रित होने पर छज्जे जैसी संरचना बन जाती है, जो बाढ़ प्रभावी मैदान के स्तर जितनी ऊपर उठ जाती

खादर - नवीनतम और बाढ़ मैदानों का युवा संग्रहण खादर कहला

बांगर - भूमि के उस उच्च भाग को कहा जाता है जहां बाढ का पानी नही पहुंच पाता है। इसमें चूना कंकड़ पाए जाते है। यह पुरानी जालोढ होने के कारण नवीन जालोढ की तुलना में कम उर्वर हो

खादर - भूमि के निचले मैदान या भाग जहां हर 

है।।ती हैता  है

बांगर और खादर में क्या अंतर है?8 p n +Sg onr t age.r.r y mer tsnte r t e e e alueersemeoxt t t l formitleamamd amg ewnuwsuek uem y OMy M nsunk reM reueouueeyueayseveert s c scrmerleSBup..oss.sellseerres.ue 8uee senuckt.err OSe uxotdeedPUm emter r.ngedene arn opd 

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